Jon Smith | Screenwriter

Monte Cristo - The Musical

music & lyrics by Leon Parris | libretto & lyrics by Jon Smith

Dumas' classic tale of betrayal, intrigue and revenge, brought to life once more as a two-hour musical theatre spectacular.

Escaping solitary confinement, Edmond Dantes explores and redefines the art of revenge in its most tantalising and dangerous forms.

Show Synopsis

Act I

Elba 1815. We see DANTES carrying the very ill Captain Leclere on to NAPOLEON’s island for medical assistance. Captain Leclere dies and NAPOLEON uses the opportunity to trick DANTES into carrying a letter from him to an influential Bonapartist, who remains in France. DANTES and the CREW of The Pharaon return to a rapturous welcome in Marseille. MORREL, the ship’s owner rewards DANTES’ seamanship and loyalty with the rank of Captain. DANTES proposes to his girlfriend, MERCEDES, and after some teasing from her, she agrees to marry him.

Meanwhile, a jealous shipmate, DANGLARS, and a jealous suitor, FERNAND, plot with a drunken moneylender, CADEROUSSE, to outdo DANTES of his newfound assets (his rank and future wife). They despatch an anonymous letter to the local prosecutor, VILLEFORT, alerting him to the treasonous letter DANTES unwittingly holds on his person. Before DANTES and MERCEDES are wed, DANTES is arrested. VILLEFORT interviews DANTES and understands that DANTES is clearly caught up in a vindictive plot. VILLEFORT apologises for the inconvenience and indicates that DANTES should return to his wedding. As DANTES leaves, VILLEFORT, merely out of professional curiosity, asks DANTES for the name of the recipient of the letter. DANTES replies ‘NOIRTIER’ and suddenly VILLEFORT is concerned. Demanding the letter, VILLEFORT reads its contents. He calls upon his GUARDS to seize DANTES and imprison him.

DANTES is welcomed and introduced to the Château D’If, an infamous prison island, by the eccentric WARDEN and JAILORS. DANTES is thrown into a solitary cell. He is without all hope. DANTES is treated to a barbaric existence within the Château. The WARDEN is psychotic and switches personalities between gentle guesthouse owner and sadist. DANTES, unwilling to continue his life, tries to kill himself, but fails.

Now 1822, DANTES, confused as to what is now reality and what is a dream, is somewhat bemused to see a stone in the floor move and the dusty head of an old man appear within his cell. Convinced that the man is an apparition; DANTES is bordering on complete madness. The man is ABBE FARIA, a prisoner trying to tunnel to freedom. The two men become friends and the learned ABBE FARIA sets about becoming teacher to DANTES. When they aren’t being brutalised by the WARDEN, the two men spend their days continuing the tunnel and sharing knowledge. We briefly see life continuing in France; MERCEDES and FERNAND are married with child and the rise of VILLEFORT and DANGLARS is meteoric.

Close to completing the tunnel, ABBE FARIA now very weak, reveals the secret of a fortune buried on the island of Monte Cristo. DANTES is devastated when ABBE FARIA dies of respiratory problems intensified by a beating he received from the WARDEN. DANTES uses the death of ABBE FARIA to orchestrate his escape from the Château and is tossed into the sea in place of ABBE FARIA’s corpse.

DANTES is found floating in the sea by the bizarre VAMPA and his ‘band’ of pirates – where non-stop choral harmony is compulsory. DANTES’ life is spared because he can sing so well and he is invited to join the crew. Near the island of Monte Cristo, VAMPA reveals that he is holding a kidnap hostage on board. HAIDEE is released from the hold and as her ransom has not been paid, she is cast adrift. DANTES joins her as does JACOPO and they all end up on Monte Cristo. Making camp, DANTES goes in search of ABBE FARIA’s treasure and finds it. HAIDEE completes DANTES’ education by explaining the subtleties of polite society. DANTES promises to reinvent himself as the Count of MONTE CRISTO and to seek revenge on those that did him ill.

Act II

Paris 1829. We are introduced to the Count of MONTE CRISTO at his lavish house party. All of society is invited. MONTE CRISTO sets to work avenging himself on his old enemies starting with CADEROUSSE. CADEROUSSE was responsible for DANTES’ father killing himself and therefore MONTE CRISTO forces CADEROUSSE to shoot himself.

Rome 1829. At the carnival, VAMPA and his PIRATES kidnap ALBERT, the son of MONDEGO and MERCEDES. MONTE CRISTO and JACOPO ‘rescue’ ALBERT from VAMPA’s clutches. MONTE CRISTO is rewarded with an invitation to ALBERT’s Birthday party in Paris. MONTE CRISTO orchestrates the situation so that HAIDEE will sleep with MONDEGO, in a bid to ruin the MONDEGO marriage. Meanwhile MERCEDES confronts MONTE CRISTO about his true identity and pleads that they could fall in love once more. MONTE CRISTO is livid that MERCEDES did not wait for EDMOND DANTES and rejects MERCEDES’ heart. MERCEDES, furious that she has been rejected, meets HAIDEE leaving her husband’s room and implies that MONTE CRISTO and her have also been together that evening. HAIDEE, distraught, runs away. MONTE CRISTO, furious with himself for having sent HAIDEE on such a cruel mission tries to find HAIDEE to make amends, but HAIDEE has already left. MONTE CRISTO is taunted by MERCEDES.

VILLEFORT is to prosecute BENEDETTTO the pirate at Court. BENEDETTO is represented by VAMPA and what should have been an easy case for VILLEFORT, turns into his worst nightmare as BENEDETTO reveals that he is the illegitimate son of VILLEFORT and BARONESS DANGLARS and that VILLEFORT had buried the baby alive. VILLEFORT is arrested, and DANGLARS drags BARONESS DANGLARS out of court. Before DANGLARS can shoot BARONESS DANGLARS for infidelity DANGLARS is shot by BENEDETTO. DANGLARS dying from his wounds pleads for MONTE CRISTO to help. MONTE CRISTO reveals he is EDMOND DANTES. DANGLARS dies as GENDARMES are dragging VILLEFORT to prison. VILLEFORT too asks for MONTE CRISTO to assist him, where MONTE CRISTO reveals that he is EDMOND DANTES.

MONDEGO, financially ruined turns to MONTE CRISTO for assistance. MONTE CRISTO refuses to lend him any money and so MONDEGO attempts to steal it. MONDEGO is caught red-handed and offers MONTE CRISTO a duel to settle the matter. MONTE CRISTO accepts and they fight. MONTE CRISTO pins MONDEGO to the floor with the blade of his sword and recounts a tale of woe in which he reveals he is EDMOND DANTES. MONDEGO, finally understanding pulls MONTE CRISTO’s blade through himself and dies.

His enemies vanquished, MONTE CRISTO is transformed once more into EDMOND DANTES. He decides to leave France and sail with VAMPA. At the harbour it becomes apparent that the PIRATES located HAIDEE and she is there waiting for DANTES.

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